I’m using AI CC 2015.3 + Fontself 3.5.7 and have a problem with baseline (positioning the object base height) + naming.
I’ve been following the instructions as outlined here and here.
Have all my glyphs named on separate layers and I also have my guides named.
When I drag multiple glyphs—along with the baseline guide—onto the batch window, none of the glyph names are correctly named (just shows the ‘null’ box; only works when draging to uppercase, lowercase & number) and the glyphs merge into 1 place (see pic 2).
[pic 1]
[pic 2 - with baseline]
[pic 3 - without baseline]
Am I only named the layer? How to named the actual objects?
[pic 4 - naming]
I also tried different methods of placing the baseline but the result is still the same.
[pic 5 - baseline placing]
[pic 6 - become uploaded separately]
Which part is not right? Please help. Thank you.