Bugged kerning with installed font

I’m having a problem with kerning when I save the font.
As you can see, on ‘catapult’ it works fine (“AVA” and “Fa”).
But the installed font does not apply the kerning.

What can I do?

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Please check that kerning is activated in Word and that you don’t have an older version of the font with no kerning instructions that is already installed on your system font folder.

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I am having trouble with the same issue. I have deleted fonts and reinstalled as well as restarted my computer. The kerning works in illustrator only

Ok check that you have no duplicate font with an older version (see https://help.fontself.com/en/articles/915125-install-vs-save-export-fonts )

I do not have older fonts in my fontbook. What else could I try? Thanks!