I used Illustrator CC (23.0.1) on Windows 7 to create an otf font.
I used that font in InDesign to create a document.
I exported the document to epub format, including the option “Include Embeddable Fonts.”
But when I opened the epub file in Kindle Previewer 3.28.1, it did not show my font.
Someone on an Adobe forum said the font needs proper “encoding bits” (or something confusing). I recall an Adobe Help page saying it needed “embeddable permissions,” but no one explained how to make that happen.
I’m hoping it’s some magic HTML or XML I could stick in the Licensing field in Fontself’s Font Infos.
(I had hoped it was related to the Copyright field, but I blanked that out, and the font still did not embed.)
Any ideas how to use Fontself to create an embeddable font?