Kern settings don't appear in the Illustrator preview

Hey there.
I’m working on my new font project using Fontself.
Because of the swinging serifs, I have to work on kerning settings manually.
Everything was fine until recently : the kerning changes I make don’t always show up in the Illustrator preview when I click on "Install’ button. Here is a capture.
Do anyone knows why ?

I thought it could be a cache problem, so I checked the folders :
The “Fonts” folder in the Library/Application Support/Adobe folder is empty, and my font is not loaded in FontBook… Strange, isn’t it ?

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If this happens randomly, maybe AI sometimes doesn’t refresh the font for whatever reasons, so removing the font and restarting AI could be worth a try.

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Thanx @franz. I’ve tried it but it doesn’t change anything to remove the font from the folder and restarting AI… The weirdest thing is that some changes are visible in the Illustrator preview, and some other don’t…
I’ve just realized that the problem is even showing in the “Home” window of Fontself ! But when I click “Advanced” or “Kerning” buttons, the kerning is good :

How can it be ?

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I’ve tried another thing :
I remove the OTF file from the Adobe Folder.
I exported the font (Save button).
I loaded it into FootBook.
… And the problem is the same !

Please tell me that all the work I did these past few days is not lost ! :scream:
As the font shows up well when I edit it via the “Advanced” button, it must be OK somewhere in the Fontself extension, right ?

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@Art_Grootfontein On the homescreen there is a known issue we cannot fix:

Preview issue when kerning alternates

Due to a bug in Chromium (which runs extensions on Adobe’s apps), kerning applied to alternate glyphs will not show up in the main preview window of Fontself Maker. In the Advanced views, the kerning will however show up ok as we developed our own text rendering engine for this part of the UI, and the kerning will also be ok when used in other apps .

If you see anything else that does not work as expected within Illustrator, please send the screenshots, font file and the AI file with sample text to for further investigation.

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Thanks again, @franz.
I found the problem ! It is not the best way to work but I know now how to fix it :
It seems that the text that was previously typed in illustrator does’nt show the kern changes.
If I type the same text just beside the previous one : it shows up well !

Strange !

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:man_facepalming: Now that you mention this issue, we had identified a font metric bug in Illustrator that shall be related:

Please upvote & add a comment to make sure Adobe’s team knows this bugs you too :slight_smile:

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