Previewing a white font

Hello, I am having a hard time previewing a White font. Is there a way to change the background in the application so I can preview it for adjustments?

Hi dear team of fontself,
I’m attaching myself to this feature request: for a customer project, I’m currently developing a font based on white objects that cast a shadow. Since the character spacing has to be exactly right, I need to rely on visual control. Unfortunately, with white characters on a white control panel, this is a total blind flight. At the moment, I’m working around this by first generating the elements in colour, setting and noting the sidebearings, and then replacing the generated character with the white version. Unfortunately, when a character is re-imported, fontself sets its sidebearings back to the default value of 50 units (hence the note of these values). A bit tedious…
Otherwise, fontself is a really ingenious tool!

Thanks & best regards,