Problem with fall back for missing umlaut like ä, ö, ü

Hello again
I have a problem with fall back for missing umlaut like ä, ö, ü in Adobe Illustrator and MS WORD.

I used the font “raven bold”, which i bought some time ago. It’s an .otf.

(A> I converted the letters to paths and made a new font “raventest1” of it. In the font are no umlauts like the german ä, ö, ü.

(B> I installed my test font “raventest1” as well and typed somd letters. In AI I will see instead of the fall back of äÄ the letters aA in the very font. - I guess this is a problem in AI.

(C> I tried this in MS WORD as well and there I see “raven bold” is correct, but in my testfont I see again aA instead of the fall back of äÄ. - I guess this is a problem in Fontself, isn’t it?

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This is not a bug but a feature :slight_smile:

Fontself is automatically replacing all missing accented characters by their non-accented version, as in most cases users would rather see a non-accented character in the same style than one with a totally different default font:

PS: as a reminder, before turning any existing font into a custom design, you should read the license under which it was licensed to you, to check what you are allowed to do with it.

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