Slice 30 font design

Hello all. I started designing this font over 30 years ago in Fontographer. I left the company where I had had access to Fontographer and the design lay dormant until I found Fontself. At last It was easy to flesh out the design to a full font. The name comes from the fact that otherwise monoline curved sections have a 30˚ slice taken out of them to produce this modernized black letter design.

Comments and suggestions?


Wow that is fantastic. Did you use Adobe Illustrator? Big fan

I’m no type expert but always wondered why some fonts have number that are offset. I try to avoid these fonts since I’m in the Advertisement Industry and it just messes up an ad. If I do use them I just adjust. So enlightening my non-expert fonty-ness in why this is done. If you can perhaps ad the choice to have them level. That’s my opinion. Otherwise your font is a very nice and easier to read black letter font. Great job!

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